Disability Ministry

Sharing my life’s story with you
This blog is divided into two sections. If you are unfamiliar with cerebral palsy (i.e., the disability I have), then the first section will break barriers of misunderstanding. The second part shares an overview of my faith journey with Lord God, who has transformed my disability into blessings. This section will hopefully build bridges of love and devotion to God.
May 17, 2020

Ask Jesus to give you new hands and feet to serve people with disabilities
You can be the hands and feet of a person with disabilities. Once you get to know the person, you will be able to come up with many practical and creative ideas to help. Every person is different. Some may welcome your help and some may not. Try not to feel badly if people refuse your help. Be like Jesus. He never forced his help on anyone. Jesus let people know he loved them by his words and actions.
February 24, 2000

Ask Jesus to give you new eyes to see the person and not the disability
Asking Jesus to give you new eyes to see the person takes time, because we are all used to treating people in certain ways based on the way they look and/or act. For example, what do you think about the following people? Some people are blind. Some people are deaf. Others are slow learners or highly intelligent. Others had accidents that left them in wheelchairs or on crutches.
January 6, 2000

Ask Jesus to put all the parts together, so you can minister to and with all people
Do you know the Bible compares the people who make up the church to a human body? Just as every part of the human body is necessary for the entire body to function properly, every child in God’s family is important for the whole Christian body to function the way God wants it to. God wants his family to love each other and work together as one body.
March 9, 2000

Ask Jesus to give you a new heart to care about people with disabilities
When Jesus lived on Earth, he reached out to all kinds of people because he loved them. What did Jesus do whenever he saw people who were treated as outcasts? He felt their hurt. He felt their loneliness. He felt rejected like they did. Jesus understood that people with disabilities need extra attention. He didn’t ignore them. He was not afraid to talk to them. Jesus was happy to meet persons with disabilities.
December 30, 1999